
Elana - Head Shots

You might think this person looks like me.  Or maybe you don't.  Fact is - this is my sister.  Beautiful, stunning, gorgeous and talented older sister.
Elana recently changed her major to Drama at the University of Alberta, Edmonton.  She's been cast in a few plays already and encouraged to join an acting program.  I'm so happy she has found something in this life that she is as passionate and in love with as I am with photography.  We're becoming quite the family of artists.  
We shot this in our grandparents spare bedroom on Christmas Day.  We had about two inches on either side of us to move between the bed and the wall.  I think we managed just fine.

You're awesome Elana, and you look amazing! Love you! 


Kurtis and Amanda - Couples Portraits

The Holidays are always a busy time of year, but what better way to spend it than with friends and family.  I've been very busy taking photos of, friends, family, and little pretty things that catch my eye along the way.  Today was no exception.  
I had lots of fun on this photo shoot with my best friend Amanda and her boyfriend Kurtis.  We took the photos just down the road from where they live - very convenient, and it allowed for numerous warm up breaks.  Shoots are always a little shaky at first.  I'm getting comfortable with the light, the weather, and the people I'm photographing, and they are getting used to me having a big lens in their face and my subtle requests - "maybe try putting your hand here, or lifting your chin juuuust a bit".  But Kurtis and Amanda were super easy to work with (even though Kurtis is not a huge fan of having his photo taken).  He's one of those people that likes to be on the other side of the lens, like me!
Thank you both for sticking it out in the cold - I think we all froze our little toes off, but I am so happy with the images and think it was all worth it.  Enjoy, and stay warm out there folks! 

Shout out to Ray-Ban

I love this photo - you guys are awesome!

Thank you Kurtis and Amanda for being such great friends! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


Happy Happy Time of Year

Hello Friends!  Alex and I want to wish you a very happy holiday season with lots of food, wine, family, friends, and lots of laughs.  Sometimes, it's hard being away from the ones you love over the holidays, but thank goodness for this magical thing called "internet".  Take lots of photos this holiday season and be sure to send them to the people you love - like we've done for all of you...awe!!!!


Traveling Photogs!

Hello followers and friends of IvenKaye.  

As many of you know (and some of you may not), Alexander Del Hierro, and I, Amy Bizovie, have moved away from Edmonton in pursuit of our own independent journeys.
Alex has left to New Zeland for...well...no one is quite sure how long he will be gone for.  He will most likely return from his adventures after a period of six months - that way he gets all his tax money back!  Good thinkin' Alex!  

You can follow Alex and his adventures on his new blog Del Hierro Adventures Check it out!  He'll be updating everyone on photo shoots, fish, and most likely food too.  Wish him well!
I have gone a different, closer direction.  West!  I have now arrived in Kelowna BC and will continue to work from here until Alex returns to join forces with me once again.
We are both still doing photo shoots and I would LOVE to see Alex post a wedding from New Zeland on the IvenKaye blog!  If anyone can help us out with that, hook a brotha' up.  

Also - if you were interested in our services and reside in Edmonton or surrounding area, please do not cancel us out as an option.  Alex and I both have family in Edmonton and would love to have an excuse (other than beautiful people to take photos of), to visit good ol' Alberta.  As of now, anything before June in Edmonton or Kelowna/Okanogan will be handled by me.  Anything after June Alex and I will shoot together.  May wedding?  Don't worry.  I know plenty of talented photographers to help me out on your wedding day.  

I can't wait to get some photos up from the new places Alex and I are exploring.  We can only gain more experience and grow as people and photographers from our new paths, which means, more pretty things for you to look at.

Miss you all!  Keep in touch.  Email is the best option right now as I only have limited use of my cell phone and Alex probably threw his off a bridge by now ;)

Cheers - Drink Wine,

- Amy (and on behalf of Alex)


Keith and Kellie's Wedding Day

Part two of the magnificent Keith and Kellie!  There are some photos in this post that were also in the slideshow but I thought, perhaps, some people would like to see them for longer than one second at a time. 
Alex and I spent the whole day with this couple, from super bright and early, to late at night (Alex and I ended up partying a bit more at this wedding than we ever have).  There were lots of photos to share so I hope you enjoy them all.  Alex even makes an appearence in one of the photos with his awesome dance moves. 

And now for a little note to Keith and Kellie - about Keith and Kellie (who call themselves K2 - so cute).
- You are an amazing couple that we are more than overjoyed to have met and befriended.  Your passion for life, nature, and health inspires us to be more giving and passionate to this earth.  Keep on doing what you're doing.  We wish only the best to you both!  Cheers *red wine glass clinks*

This next photo is too sweet.  Keith had sent over flowers to Kellie with a special note to her before their big day.  When her mom read the note with her, they both started crying...and so did I.  Well done Keith, well done.

Sometimes you get lucky with very special photos.  The ones where mothers don't know photographers are spying in on their emotions.  

Kellie is super strong!!!  Check out her health and fitness blog by clicking on "ME"

She also has very talented friends who make jewlery, which can be seen "HERE"

These chocolates were specially made by the very talented Jacqueline from Jacek Chocolate Couture.  I love how the K and the 2 make a heart - I wonder if this was done on purpose?

I love these next three Alex took of the guys having a late night cigar.

Alex and I had a lot of fun using the light outside the banquet hall to create this stunning photo of Keith and Kellie in the night light.  Alex got very excited, and very creative, and we couldn't be happier with the result.  Thank you K2 for having such patience with us while we set this shot up. 

Last but not least, thank you once again K2 for sharing your fun filled day with A2. 
All our love - Amy and Alex